How/when will I declare a major and/or minor?

The majority of undergraduate students will have a declared major when the start courses at UNE. Throughout your time at UNE that major may change, sometimes several times. Additionally, minors may be added or removed during that time. UNE policy states that for undergraduates, before March 15 of the second year, you are required to make a formal declaration of major using the appropriate form available from Registration Services. If you are declaring a major in marine biology, medical biology and elementary education you are asked to declare by the end of your first year. This declaration must be signed by the advisor and the chair/director of the major department. The declared major must be an existing, approved academic program of study. See undergraduate catalog for existing programs of study.

Graduate students typically do not make changes to their curricula minus a few exceptions.

It is strongly recommended that any changes should be made prior to your final term at UNE.

How do I change my major?

You may change a major (or minor) by completing a Change of Major or Declaration of Minor forms after consultation with the relevant departments. You may not declare a new major or minor after the official end of term in your final term at UNE.

What are the academic requirements for my degree?

The academic requirements that apply to you are the ones that were in effect when you began at UNE, and were published in the Academic Catalog at that time. Please note that if you changed or added a major/minor, you are subject to the catalog requirements for the academic year in which the change was made.

You should use the UOnTrack degree evaluation program that is available in UOnline to track your own progress towards meeting academic requirements.

If you have questions about academic requirements you should contact your academic advisor or the Office of the Registrar at (207) 602-2473 or

Is it possible for one course to satisfy two different degree requirements?

No. Even if a course has two distribution designations, it will fulfill only one distribution requirement. When you complete a course with two distribution designations, the requirements are fulfilled by the first place the course fits. For example, if you take a course with an SGA and EXP designations, that course will fulfill the SGA requirement if that requirement is listed first in your degree evaluation. If you subsequently complete another course with an SGA attribute, this second course will fulfill the SGA degree requirement and the first course will fulfill the EXP degree requirement.

There are some exceptions to this rule. You will need to consult with your individual department regarding this.

What are the requirements of my major?

Each department or program specifies the requirements for its majors and minors, and determines when those requirements have been met. Major and minor requirements are described under each department and program in the Academic Catalog. Students with questions about how courses will count towards a major or minor should consult with the particular department(s).

How is progress towards earning my degree tracked?

You are responsible for tracking your own degree progress at UNE. It is recommended that you review your progress toward your degree requirements at the start of every semester. The UOnTrack degree evaluation tool is available for you and advisors to run at any time through UOnline.

You should review your degree progress regularly with your academic advisor.

What are the University’s academic standards and regulations?

UNE details its academic standards and regulations in its Academic Catalog. 

What are UNE’s approved majors and minors?

All approved majors and minors are listed in UNE’s academic catalogs.

How would I propose a personal major?

A personal major may be considered if you are interested in pursuing a major that does not fit the pattern of a departmental major. You must submit personal major proposals to the appropriate academic dean for your college. Proposals must specifically state the goals to be achieved through the personal major program and explain why these goals cannot be met with standard major options and include an outlined proposed curriculum that will be followed.

May I count one course toward two majors, or toward a major and a minor?

Some courses may fulfill multiple requirements if you have multiple majors or minors. Each department or program specifies the requirements for its majors and minors, and determines when those requirements have been met. If you have questions about how courses will count towards a major or minor, or if courses may count for more than one major or minor, you should consult with the particular department(s) or reach out to the Office of the Registrar at (207) 602-2473 or

When will the Registrar notify me if I have/have not met my degree requirements?

You are responsible for tracking your own degree progress at UNE. The Office of the Registrar reviews degree progress after course registration for your last semester is finalized and you have applied to graduate. You should not wait until the last minute to review your degree progress with an academic advisor because additional coursework may be required. You will generally receive written notice by the middle of your last term that you have been given preliminary clearance to graduate. Final clearance is determined after final grades for the final term has been received and all academic work has been completed.

Must I complete all requirements before participating in commencement?

You may take part in only one commencement, and you are normally expected to complete all degree requirements before you participate in graduation exercises. If you have two or fewer courses remaining and can expect to complete all requirements by the end of the following Academic Year, you may be allowed to participate in commencement but will not receive a diploma. In such cases, the degree will actually be conferred for the next eligible graduation date following the completion of all requirements, and the diploma will be mailed to you at that time.